Friday, November 26, 2021

My buddys writing story tittle:piper the dog

 Once upon a time there was a dog called piper. piper did not like the bird  piper is not  a bird he is a dog    a man told piper to stop wolfing.And the bird came back but the man tried to kill the bird.the so the dog was sad so the dog gave worms to the bird 


HI everyone we have been working with KOTUKU for buddy reading and my buddy has wrote a story this is it his name is Merrick his 6 and his very good at writing and this is it hope you enjoy his writing.

By Fili,Merrick 

Friday, August 13, 2021

Create task

WALT:locate and summerise  important information from a range  of related text

Friday, July 9, 2021

WLJ work W10 T2


   HI bloggers this is my WTJ--Winter learning journey 

And i,m working on my national sport rugby league and this sport is from Samoa

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Reading work


This week i was learning about Martin Luther king jr  he was famous for changing how black people were being treated thats why i like him


.He had a dream to stop racism 
.He is known for a inspirational speech that changed black/white people  lives                               |
What is he known for |
Why is he inspirational ?
he is an inspirational  person because  he had a dream speech of changing black peoples lives by saying no black person should be left out  they should be included .


If you say one kind word it could make someones entire day

I enjoyed learning about martin Luther king jr.

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

MY writting

This week we are learning about complex sentences  followed with (FANBOYS and nouns and verbs

Thursday, June 24, 2021

MY C7 create tasks

making connection to the story                           task 1 

  • Almost died from my mum from not listening 

  • Didnt listen and got burnt 

  • I ran for my life and almost got killed by my sis 

  • Lost my jacket and still trying to find it 

  • Lost my hat at the park

Movie/text connections

  • Peter rabbit 

  • Jumanji 

  • The lost city  of gold Dora 

  • Space jam 

  • Kung fu panda 

  • Peter rabbit 

  • Jumanji 

  • The lost city  of gold dora 

  • Space jam 

  • Kung fu panda 

The world 

  • Animal cruelty 

  • Animal abuse 

  • Animal testing =(

  • Animal sings 

  • Animal  getting abused everyday 

      Task 2


1)dont care care about what happens to them 

2)doesn't listen


3)always disobeys 

4)always runs out of the house 

5)gets annoyed from brothers 

Title:The tale of peter rabbit 

Character:peter rabbit 

1)dosent listen 


 3) never listens to mum

4)disobeys mums orders 

5)good at losing stuff

Title:A bad case of stripes 

Character:camilo cream 

1)covered in strips 

2)always runs away 

3)doesn't listen

4)disobeys everyone 

5)gets annoyed from family 

Hey bloggers this is what we have done this week and this weeks WALT is Make connections between our self's other text and the world and it means we can relate to a book or just a text and this below is my task 3 .

Task 3

Tittle:The tale of peter rabbit

Who is involved?

  • myself

What happened?

  • I didn't listen to my mum so i burnt my arm

Where did it happen?

  • at home

Why did it happen?

  • because I didn't listen to my mum

When did it happen?

  • in the morning at 10:00

Websites that I used…


2.Google Chrome

3. facts for kids for Peter Rabbit

CT1 W8 Thursday


This is my CT1 and i hope you learn at least 1 thing 

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Friday, May 28, 2021


WALT:decide which is the best equipment to use to help solve division  number sentences

Thursday, May 27, 2021


WALT: read a rod track to find patterns .

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

The choice book wk2 tm2

 WALT: evaculate ideas and information in a narrative  text 


Thursday, May 6, 2021

Cancel the invasion book w1 t2


my story Cancel the invasion there was a girl that hit this man with a baseball and she hit it as hard as ashs skull was made out of titanium.


Friday, April 16, 2021

MY Bio poem

 hey everyone this is my beautiful bio poem i work so hard on it so i hope you enjoy it

ANZAC tasks


hey guys today we have been learning about anzac day and i have been working so hard on this that i have done 4 tasks so enjoy my work bye;) 

Thursday, April 8, 2021

my deadliest animal quiz


Walt summorsing information identifying a key word in a text

Monday, March 29, 2021


we have been learning to  protecting our passwords and the most common one was 123456789.

Friday, March 19, 2021



Walt make a wacky wednesday animal

Thursday, March 11, 2021

my buggy

walt:today i made my own buggy

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Thursday, February 25, 2021

this is a planet that i read about in Ruru about my planet orm a understanding of what you read by making connection to the text

my planet orm is a planet that was always hot and always warm and its a terrestrial planet witch means rocky and small